Central Texas College recently issued the following announcement.
Event Name: Scholarship Workshop
Start Date: 2/18/2020
Start Time: 12:30 PM
End Date: 2/18/2020
End Time: 1:30 PM
Event Description:
The CTC Foundation and library will host a scholarship workshop on Tuesday, February 18 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Learn tips on submitting successful scholarship applications such as writing essays, key words, mission statements, qualifying for scholarships and more. Students can also apply for scholarships during the workshop.
Location Information: Central Campus - Oveta Culp Hobby Library (102)
Room: 211
Contact Information
Name: Cynthia Oser
Phone: 254-526-1475
Email: cynthia.oser@ctcd.edu
Additional Event Information: To register for the workshop, call 254-526-1621.
Additional Location Information: The workshop will be held in Room 211 of the library..
Intended Audience: Free and open to all students and the public.
Original source can be found here.